Upcoming Vacation

I'm going on vacation in December! I'm excited!

My husband and his whole family are going *cue record scratching*.

Okay, so going on vacation with my inlaws is not my ideal situation, buuuuut I'm trying to be positive about it, trying really, really hard. And so far, I'm succeeding by keeping my mind on the wonderful locations we are going to visit.

We are going to a few different parts of Mexico; Oaxaca, Chiapas and Mexico City.
I've heard that there are some beautiful places in these parts of Mexico plus I'll be by the beach, which is my #1 favorite place, so therefore I am definitely maintaining a positive outlook on this trip.

Don't get me wrong, I'm too realistic to not know that there will be times of frustration and impatience, and lots of biting my tongue involved (at least I hope I'm able to bite my tongue throughout the duration of our trip), but I'm still hoping it'll be worth it in the end. And if not, that will be the first AND last vacation I ever take with them. And my husband can't even argue with that.

The only reason I agreed to this trip, is that he has already joined my family and I to visit my motherland, and he had a blast.My family treated him like a king, he enjoyed spending time with them and visiting new places, and he is hoping to recreate the experience for me. The difference is, our families are not the same at all. So that might make or break this vacation. But he's aware, and if he senses tension or that I'm not enjoying myself, I have faith that he won't ever try to plan something like this again, so it's a win/win for me in the end.

In the meanwhile, I'm focusing on the places we're visiting more than the company, and trying to see what specific locations I would like to see or things I definitely want to do while I'm there. I am missing spending Christmas with my family for the first time ever, so this trip definitely better be worth it.



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