Total Fail...
on the pop thing referenced on my last post. I have had pop since I wrote it, but that all stops now, for real, for real. No more pop for short-term goal is to make it through the rest of May and we'll see how it goes. But realistically, my actual goal is to eliminate pop completely. We'll see and yes I'm rolling my eyes as I type that. Maybe on special occasions like holidays or birthdays. Anyway, today's song of the day comes to us courtesy of Espinosa Paz. Yes, I'm apparently still on my Spanish music phase, which is fine by me. This song is currently on repeat. I posted the lyric video and not the actual video, since I'm actually not a big fan of this guy, but I just happened to like this one song. So...the month of May is a little rough for me, as it's chock full of events. Mother's Day, then my mom's birthday AND my parent's wedding anniversary. Talk about being broke. But I am glad to report that this year's festivities were a...