Confession Time...
So I have a confession to make. A dirty, dark secret to tell. I won't even go into too much detail because of the shame. Sooo...I had access to the password for the email of someone I highly disliked. For a while now, I've been checking it randomly, and being gleeful when things seemed to not be going this persons way. Yes, I know, total invasion of privacy, I'm a bad person. I feel bad admitting it, but had this person not changed their password today, you better believe I would still be checking it. It's like the end of an era. Part of me feels a little sad that I will no longer be "in the know." Another part of me feels like I should've stopped checking that email a long time ago and this will be healthy for me. But this person's life is such a clusterfuck that it's so entertaining to read about the disasters going on. It's never anything life threatening, I wouldn't go as far as gaining joy from someone's misery to that extent. But ...