Before embracing 2019...

So I didn't blog at all in 2018.

I suck.
It was a crazy, busy year. Very stressful, so I do have a plethora of excuses, but I am still disappointed in myself. I mean, on a good day, I can usually wrote up a post in like half an hour, so it's hard to think that I couldn't spare even that all last year.

Anyway, enough beating myself up about it. For documentation sake, I am going to share some of the things that happened in 2018:

1/7/18 - Peanut had his first Happy Meal. I know he shouldn't, but at his age, you give them what they will eat and the boy loves his french fries, what can I say, he took after mom with that one.
2/17/18 - Went to a waterpark resort/road trip with the family. Peanut loves the water.We also hit up a Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum which was so strange.
*FYI, due to my crappy memory, I'm using my phone pictures to trigger my memory
3/10/18 - Peanut was baptized. We had a nice little lunch afterwards at a pizza place. The decor was rustic and I loved it all. My sister is his godmother and my husband's brother is his godfather. He loves his Nina. We also turned this into his bday celebration. My baby turned a year old. We had a nice time. I think the most stressful part of the whole process was finding his little outfit. We went to stores all over the city to end up ordering something online, ha ha. Gotta love amazon. Finding the location was also stressful, but it all worked out in the end.
April 2018 - Visited San Diego for the first time. Went for a work conference, but was able to do some sight seeing. My boss and co-worker also went. We had a nice time, enjoyed the beautiful weather (it was snowing back home) AND I had carne asada fries for the first time, which are amazing. It's exactly what it sounds like: french fries, covered in carne asada, cheese, then topped with salsa, avocado, sour cream. Yum! During this conference, I also had the privilege of seeing Dr. Jill Biden and Malala Yousafzai, who were both amazing!
April 2018 - Celebrated my bday at my favorite hibachi restaurant and Peanut loved the fried rice ,as do I.  Also, got into an argument with an uninvited guest, but that's a whole other story, ha ha. Participated in an escape room with friends/family, good times. It was my second escape room, but since I knew all the participants, I had a much better time at this one.
May 2018 - Participated in a 5k at work. Finished close to last, but not dead last and that's all that counts.
May 2018 - Peanut's first trip to a children's museum. Took him along with my cousin and her two little ones. Got home exhausted and we both took naps.
May 2018 - Peanut's second visit to a children's museum. This one was downtown and my husband and I took him. He had a blast, especially in the water play section.
June 2018 - Attended a museum after dark event at my favorite museum, along with my sister and her friend. I had a great time!
July 2018 - Took my son (ALONE!) to a small children's museum near our house. Considering my issues with crowds and anxiety, I was very proud of myself.
July 2018 - Put our house up for sale. (what?! more on this later)
July 27, 2018 - Took Peanut to his first amusement park. He rode his first rides and had a good time and his anxiety ridden mom and dad survived. It was also the day of his first trip to Hooters. He sadly, also enjoyed this, ha ha. Also included was his first visit to a petting zoo.
August 2018 - Went to a paint and sip place with an old and unexpected friend.
August 15, 2018 - My dad had a heart attack, though we didn't know it at the time. It was and still is a very difficult and trying thing to assimilate. Very stressful, scary and just terrifying moment for him as well as the rest of us. This definitely changed the dynamic in our family. I can't even write about it much, as I get emotional. The important thing is that it was mild, he is still with us and hopefully will be for many years to come. I say this because not even a month later, we lost my uncle, his brother, from a heart attack. I can't even imagine losing a sibling, much less of the same thing that you experienced a month previous. The saddest thing is that I don't think my dad had spoken to my uncle since his attack, so I'm not sure why that was, but now they won't and that breaks my heart. This whole time period sucked ass, if I'm 100% honest. Moving on...
September 16, 2018 -  Peanut's first trip to an apple orchard. Trying to go back to reality.
September 29, 2018 - another local children's museum visit with mom and dad for Peanut.
October 6, 2018 - Peanut and his cousin Leo hung out for what I believe was the first time ever.
October 7, 2018 - My last Gayety's banana split. Our favorite ice cream shop closed and we are still upset about that.
October 2018 - Sold our home, gasp. Moved out at the end of the month.
October 31, 2018 - Peanut's first Halloween outing. He was Michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles.
November 5, 2018 - Closed on our new home. I love it! Nothing against my old house, it served it's purpose, but I remember the home buying process for our first house almost ending in a divorce, it was such a stressful process. This time was stressful too, since we were coordinating the sale/purchase at the same time, but I was more enthralled with the house this time, so I feel it made the process easier. It's also 10 minutes away from my parents, so that was also a motivator. I mean there was still blood, sweat and tears shed (and a 30 minute phone call practically cussing out my realtor) BUT it all worked out in the end.
November 22, 2018 - Hosted Thanksgiving at our new house and my brother brought his girlfriend to meet the fam. It was a good time.
December 21, 2018 - Visited Peteyville, a local house that goes all out for the holidays.
December 24/25 - Christmas with Peanut. He actually tries to open presents this year. He received a few trains, which are his new favorite, so he liked that. We spent it at my parent's house. We also had a little tiff that day, that we can laugh at now. Good times with the fam, amirite?
December 26, 2018 - Went downtown to a holiday event my mom's always been curious about.
December 27, 2018 - Visited my favorite museum with my husband and Peanut to see the holiday trees. Again, he loved the kids water play section.
New Year's Eve was hosted by us and my uncle and his family joined us, as well as my brother's gf and it was a good time.

So yup, that was my 2018. Crazy, huh? Lots of things happening, changes, stresses, etc.
But we all made it to 2019, so bring on the challenges, not all of us were so lucky.

Happy New Year!


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