
Showing posts from January, 2015

Weekend Recap (the good stuff)

My last post made me upset all over again, so I'm going to focus on the good stuff about this weekend: I am currently listening to songs from the TV show Empire, which I am currently loving; both the music and the show. I hate getting into shows that are currently airing. Due to Netflix and Hulu spoiling me, I tend to enjoy binge-watching entire seasons as opposed to waiting a whole week for the next episode. But I think Empire will be the exception to the rule, as I'm already excited about Wednesday to watch the next one.   Today is Tuesday and I'm sitting here at work...dare I say, happy. This is so scary for me. I'm just waiting for something bad to happen. It's just too good to be true, you know? And what's sad is that it isn't, my standards are just low based on the trauma of my old job, ha. I mean, I like this place, but I've already witnessed a couple of dum-dums that make my work a tad bit more difficult. But they don't even bother m...

Puerto Rico Pics!

As promised, I'm sharing some pictures of my vacation in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Most of these were taken in locations there, except the beach pictures, those were taken in Isla Verde, PR. I miss it so much, we had snow yesterday and we're supposed to have -40 degree weather tomorrow, so I just try to deal with the cold by picturing myself in sunny, warm, beautiful PR. I took this picture while we were waiting for the hotel to call us and tell us our room was ready. It's by the ferry. Once we got in our room, I took a nap, as I stated in the prior post. But woke up in time to catch the sunset near the Paseo de la Princesa. The next day we ventured out to El Morro, then the day before we left, we visited Castillo San Cristobal, 2 historic areas of Old San Juan.  We also visited the ocean at Isla Verde. That was a blast. We even partook in some coquito and parcha ice cream. We went on a ferry ride also. It cost a whopping .50 cents per trip, so $1 round trip. Some other s...

Happy 2015!

Well, I'm back from break and it was short, ha ha. I'm torn about this winter break we get at work. On the one hand, of course, no work during the holidays is awesome, on the other hand, it makes it so, so hard to come back. I had a rough time going to sleep last night, just thinking about getting up early. But here I am, sleepy as ever. What did I do for Christmas, you ask? Why, I got sick. Yay! That's right, the person who wasn't even really looking forward to the Holidays ended up getting sick as a dog. My Murder-Mystery Scavenger Hunt at the museum was a blast, but I think getting exposed to that cold downtown air and my already sickly cousin did me in. By Monday, I was all sniffly with a tickle in my throat and it only got worse from there. I woke up Christmas Eve feeling like death. I felt and sounded awful. Bless my husband's heart, even though I can't stand him sometimes, I give credit where credit is due and he did everything in his power to help make m...