Sometimes I feel like I just can't catch a break. When it's not work stressing me out, it's life. I can't just have everything be harmonious at the same time. I recently started a new job, before I did so, I was content in knowing that finally my professional life will match up to my personal life, where things would just be good overall. Boy was I wrong. Now, my work life is going good (so far) and my personal life has gone to shit. I just can't have it both ways, I guess. Part of me wishes I was still at the shitty job, then maybe things at home would be better. Marriage is work. Not sure if it's just mine, but it sure feels like it. It's far from easy. And like any job, sometimes I want to quit, just grab all my stuff and walk out. It sounds horrible, but it's true. My parents like to pressure my sister or make her feel bad about the fact that she's not married. Why? I don't get why parents want that kind of stress/pressure on their children. ...