Musica Maestro...
It's surprising how music can help improve your mood. Not that I was in a bad mood, today was a good day. My boss stayed away from me all day, my only interactions with him were in passing in the hallway, as he distractedly greeted me with a "hello". Works for me. He's busy stressing out about a proposal that's due this weekend, that he didn't plan ahead for. Or he did, but he forgot. You'd think that would be concerning to him, but of course not. It's not because he's old and forgets a lot now, not at all. How would anyone even dare suggest that? Anyway, work was good, didn't encounter too many idiots on my drive home, and I got into my workout so much that I extended it an additional 10 minutes. (Okay, that last one was by accident, but still, it felt good.) So no, I wasn't in a bad mood per say, just in a chill, relaxed mood. So I'm sitting here, playing around on Spotify, and come across this old CD by Los Askis that my dad used to ...